We at Geo-computational Systems and IoT Lab envisage IoT as a robust, fault-tolerant network of devices, embedded with geo-sensors that enable them to transmit data to the cloud for analysis and transformation into actionable insight. IoT at its core is a perfect amalgamation of real-world objects capable of being connected to the internet, hardware components that capture data from their surroundings and, software that runs on a server to process the data delivered by the sensor-borne objects. IoT, since its advent, has transformed virtually every industry ranging from Healthcare, Agriculture, Satellite Imagery to building Smart Cities by providing scalable, interoperable, and secure end-to-end IoT solutions that gather, filter, integrate data from multiple sources.
Ongoing IoT research at our Lab
SenseQube – A wireless Sensing and Analysis Platform for Agriculture

The SenseQube (earlier SenseTube) platform is a standardized, cost-effective, web-enabled, plug-n-play wireless sensor platform for data collection and analysis for agriculture applications. The platform has been developed with a motive of allowing farmers, researchers, scientists and other organizations to get meaningful insights about which seeds to plant, when to harvest and how much yield to expect based on various observations like soil moisture, temperature, humidity, rainfall pertaining to a particular field-of-interest. The platform has been tested and successfully deployed at multiple locations.
We are in the process of developing an IoT platform based on Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards with an aim to provide an end-to-end solution right from deploying, data collection, analysis, visualization and fault tolerance to making the data available to third-party applications through an Application Programming Interface (API).
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