Our group receives the “Best Lightning Talk Award” at the SMCDC22


A team of our Ph.D. students – Rajat Shinde and Pratyush Talreja, under the guidance of our group in charge, Prof. Surya Durbha, received the Best Lightning Talk Award at the 5th Annual Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences Data Challenge (SMCDC22) organized by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), US.

This challenge is organized under the Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering conference. The team presented their work entitled – “Empirical Mode Decomposition-driven Automated Signal Extraction” for Challenge 8 of the Conference. The challenge 8 was focussed on automating signal extraction and comparing the results generated manually with a computer.

The team implemented an adaptive decomposition algorithm to decompose the scattering Data from solid materials. The scattering data can be modeled as a sum of oscillatory functions where the frequency of these oscillations is determined by atomic spacings in systems. Congratulations to the team for the award, and we wish them many more in the future.